بزرگترین جشنواره سال راکت! ۵۰ درصد تخفیف شگفت انگیز!

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4 ماه پیش توسط Arshiamohammadei مطرح شد
2 پاسخ

مشکل run شدن برنامه flutter

سلام دوستان وقتتون بخیر من یه برنامه فلاتر دانلود کردم خودم بک اند کارم کد هاشو برای یه api تست کنم ولی این خطارو میده توی دستور flutter run
$ flutter run
Connected devices:
Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 130.0.6723.117
Edge (web) • edge • web-javascript • Microsoft Edge 130.0.2849.80

Please choose one (or "q" to quit): 1
Launching lib\main.dart on Chrome in debug mode...
Warning: In index.html:41: Local variable for "serviceWorkerVersion" is deprecated. Use "{{flutter_service_worker_version}}" template token instead.
See https://docs.flutter.dev/platform-integration/web/initialization for more details.
Warning: In index.html:142: "FlutterLoader.loadEntrypoint" is deprecated. Use "FlutterLoader.load" instead. See
https://docs.flutter.dev/platform-integration/web/initialization for more details.
Waiting for connection from debug service on Chrome... 140.9s
This app is linked to the debug service: ws://
Debug service listening on ws://

To *** restart changes while running, press "r" or "R".
For a more detailed help message, press "h". To quit, press "q".

A Dart VM Service on Chrome is available at:
Rejecting promise with error: TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'nativeCommunication')

A message on the flutter/lifecycle channel was discarded before it could be handled.
This happens when a plugin sends messages to the framework side before the framework has had an opportunity to register a listener. See the
ChannelBuffers API documentation for details on how to configure the channel to expect more messages, or to expect messages to get discarded:
A message on the flutter/lifecycle channel was discarded before it could be handled.
This happens when a plugin sends messages to the framework side before the framework has had an opportunity to register a listener. See the
ChannelBuffers API documentation for details on how to configure the channel to expect more messages, or to expect messages to get discarded:

خیلی سرچ کردم راهی پیدا نکردم کمک کنید ممنون.
@Raymond @mjokarr @armiaevil @jangi

ثبت پرسش جدید
تخصص : مختصص وردپرس - برنامه نویس لار...
@Raymond 4 ماه پیش مطرح شد
تخصص : وب و هوش مصنوعی
@Arshiamohammadei 4 ماه پیش مطرح شد


تخصص : مختصص وردپرس - برنامه نویس لار...
@Raymond 4 ماه پیش مطرح شد

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